The Foodist: Blueberry, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Fruit Sachets
In this recipe we decided to reframe the classic blueberry galette recipe to something far more versatile. Rick made a filling for an extra galette that wasn’t used. Rather than feed it to the chickens, I decided to package it into The Foodist: Blueberry, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Fruit Sachets. Delight!

The Foodist: New Year’s Day Surprise Quiche
Happy New Year! Rick wanted to use the mustard, garlic and honey rubbed pork roast, cabbage with Boursin cheese, and this amazing Marmalade. You simply must try this recipe for the foodist: New Years Day Surprise Quiche!

The Foodist: An Urban Farm Breakfast
Yay! Eggs are back! Now that we have a semi-functioning kitchen again, Rick made me an Urban Farm Breakfast. It was very good and filling and 80% homemade from materials on the farm. This is The Foodist: An Urban Farm Breakfast.

The Foodist: Seasoning Big Mom’s Cast Iron Pan
This pan is an heirloom. Ricks' Grandma Ann gifted to Rick's mother (Big Mom) who in turn gifted it to Rick. We use this pan alot! It's over 100 years old and has been well-cared for. With the remodel it got dusty and neglected, so we reseasoned her. Here's how.

The Foodist: Sausage, Thunder Jack Cheese, and Mango Scrambled Eggs
This is total comfort food! Rick threw together this experiment in flavors, textures, and ingredients, and boy is it a winner! Just the right amount of spice, sweetness and salty flavors. Try this The Foodist: Sausage, Thunder Jack Cheese, and Mango Scrambled Eggs!