Language and the Power of Reframing
This lesson started out as a lesson in learning how to look at data and systems from new perspectives and turned into a mad lib of data synthesis. This was actually a great deal of fun and it is a new tool I will be using with students. The game is called “Coin Purse” for maximum absurdity and permission to be creative with language and the power of reframing.
The Foodist: Blueberry, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Fruit Sachets
In this recipe we decided to reframe the classic blueberry galette recipe to something far more versatile. Rick made a filling for an extra galette that wasn’t used. Rather than feed it to the chickens, I decided to package it into The Foodist: Blueberry, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Fruit Sachets. Delight!

The Foodist: An Urban Farm Breakfast
Yay! Eggs are back! Now that we have a semi-functioning kitchen again, Rick made me an Urban Farm Breakfast. It was very good and filling and 80% homemade from materials on the farm. This is The Foodist: An Urban Farm Breakfast.

Mezzacello Winter 2024 Tour
This is a quick tour of Mezzacello Urban Farm in pictures. This is also linked as of December 1, 2024 to my webpage. This is a more comprehensive tour and description.

Generations of Livestock at an Urban Farm
On an urban Farm, livestock pay a VERY important role in developing healthy ecologies and environmentally stable and sustainable systems. Fortunately they can also build their own ranks. Baby animals on a farm.

Workforce Development at Mezzacello
Students with Columbus’ All That After School STEAM program have been visiting Mezzacello Urban Farm on Thursdays to learn about STEM programming and ag experiences. This program is on physical electricity and solar and wind power.

An Urban Farm Midden
A midden is one important way that archaeologists and anthropologists understand a site or a culture. It what the “trash” of a site looks like. This is what an urban farm midden looks like at Mezzacello Urban Farm.