Egg Cartons With Style
As you may know, Mezzacello Urban Farm has a surplus of fresh, healthy chicken and quail eggs that we can’t use. As a non-profit we can’t (and don’t want to) sell them. So we had these cartons donated and the stickers as well. Every part of this is free, with the exception of the feed and water for the chickens.

Fresh Eggs In Winter!
This summer I started creating my own feed here at Mezzacello Urban Farm using a Pelletizer and the weegs and grass from the gardens and cracked corn and oil. The chickens love it. It is so nutritious that they lay PROLIFICALLY! But I do not have a kitchen, so I can't use the eggs! Help Me Out.

Mezzacello Winter 2024 Tour
This is a quick tour of Mezzacello Urban Farm in pictures. This is also linked as of December 1, 2024 to my webpage. This is a more comprehensive tour and description.

Gratitude To Our Partners This Season
This is a quick post to thank the many organizations and funders who have helped Mezzacello grow over the past three years! Here’s to more growth and adventure in 2025.

Winter Programming: Physical Electricity
Today in late November it was 0C here at Mezzacello Urban Farm. The construction of the kitchen and classroom has slowed, so since we won’t have a classroom ready this year, we built wind turbine wires in the kitchen!

Another Generation of Generators
My 2024/2025 CAHS intern working on a design challenge to help students better understand physical electricity. Here they are ready to install wind power, solar power and an electrical load.
What Confidence Looks and Feels Like
A quick blogpost about a moment in time in my 2024 BioEngineering Camp. Four interns - students trained to teach STEM subjects to other kids - but also learning new ideas from other interns.

Rethinking Life: From The Atom Up
My board asked me to define the educational direction of my applied STEM programming and how I see sustainability, food, livestock and life. I responded glibly with, “Mezzacello is committed to rethinking life: from the atom up.” The board liked that, and I did too; It’s an apt description.

How We Build Ecology, Technology, and Confidence Through Curriculum
At Mezzacello, we don’t recreate the wheel with new curriculum. We use the wheels of existing curriculum and build a new vehicle blending traditional Amish strategies and cutting edge STEM technology. This is how we do it.

Introducing Camp Stories at Mezzacello
The beginning of a series of blog posts about my summer camp experiences here at Mezzacello Urban Farm. These happen all the time, but I rarely share them. I think I should start!

War of The Winds: Evolution
I am on the FOURTH iteration of wind turbines here at Mezzacello Urban Farm. We started with a traditional horizontal axis wind turbines. Then I switched to the vertical axis flower turbines. Now I am exploring vertical blade vertical axis wind turbines in new configurations.

Mezzacello Portable Ag Workshop systems (PAWs)
A complete setup for the Portable Ag Workshop stations at Mezzacello Urban Farm including the Energy and Animal components.

A System Winds Through It
This blogpost is about a rebellious chick who survived a wild night out in Mezzacello Urban Farm but survived because of the integrated systems she is standing on in this photo. Let’s talk about it.

Generations of Livestock at an Urban Farm
On an urban Farm, livestock pay a VERY important role in developing healthy ecologies and environmentally stable and sustainable systems. Fortunately they can also build their own ranks. Baby animals on a farm.

Workforce Development at Mezzacello
Students with Columbus’ All That After School STEAM program have been visiting Mezzacello Urban Farm on Thursdays to learn about STEM programming and ag experiences. This program is on physical electricity and solar and wind power.

An Urban Farm Midden
A midden is one important way that archaeologists and anthropologists understand a site or a culture. It what the “trash” of a site looks like. This is what an urban farm midden looks like at Mezzacello Urban Farm.

Climate Reality and Permaculture
This is a story about sticking to your guns and working to build resilient ecosystems. All of the beds at Mezzacello are planted with good soil and manure, as well as built in permaculture features like swales and hugelkulttur. But will a level 4 drought, that is just not enough.

Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Training
HS students visiting Mezzacello to test the environmental health of it using a variety of sensors for the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and pedasphere. They took those sensors back to Pickerington High School where they will use them to teach others (as well as their YouTube videos) and they will take an environmental assessment of their school grounds and their homes and upload that data.

There’s No Place Like Home
We are in the midst of a major renovation and retrofit of the 1868 house and the rear kitchen. There is a two-storey porch and classroom addition planned for the house and the farm. But the kitchen is a war zone!

It’s The Small Things That Matter
Mezzacello Urban Farm is rapidly building its capacity to inspire and educate the next generation of innovators and leaders, but we need your help. It's the little things that matter, like sharing our story or social media posts! That would help us a lot!