Fresh Eggs In Winter!
This summer I started creating my own feed here at Mezzacello Urban Farm using a Pelletizer and the weegs and grass from the gardens and cracked corn and oil. The chickens love it and It is so nutritious that they lay PROLIFICALLY! But I do not currently have a kitchen, so I can't use the eggs - Fresh eggs in winter!
Fresh Egg Availability is insuffient at this time
Where is Mezzacello Urban Farm? 33 North 20th Street, Columbus, OH 43203
The pelletizer I use to make chicken feed and rabbit feed here at Mezzacello Urban Farm
The plans for the New classroom space at Mezzacello
Rebuilding the foundation walls is expensive!
A makeshift Kitchen
Cobbling together a kitchen
No matter what though, Our Mission persists! Grow Maintain, Sustain, Explain