Workforce Development at Mezzacello
Students with Columbus’ All That After School STEAM program have been visiting Mezzacello Urban Farm on Thursdays to learn about STEM programming and ag experiences. This program is on physical electricity and solar and wind power.

An Urban Farm Midden
A midden is one important way that archaeologists and anthropologists understand a site or a culture. It what the “trash” of a site looks like. This is what an urban farm midden looks like at Mezzacello Urban Farm.

Climate Reality and Permaculture
This is a story about sticking to your guns and working to build resilient ecosystems. All of the beds at Mezzacello are planted with good soil and manure, as well as built in permaculture features like swales and hugelkulttur. But will a level 4 drought, that is just not enough.

Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Training
HS students visiting Mezzacello to test the environmental health of it using a variety of sensors for the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and pedasphere. They took those sensors back to Pickerington High School where they will use them to teach others (as well as their YouTube videos) and they will take an environmental assessment of their school grounds and their homes and upload that data.

There’s No Place Like Home
We are in the midst of a major renovation and retrofit of the 1868 house and the rear kitchen. There is a two-storey porch and classroom addition planned for the house and the farm. But the kitchen is a war zone!

It’s The Small Things That Matter
Mezzacello Urban Farm is rapidly building its capacity to inspire and educate the next generation of innovators and leaders, but we need your help. It's the little things that matter, like sharing our story or social media posts! That would help us a lot!

Science Hides On a Farm
This blog post is dedicated to a board member of Mezzacello Urban Farm who challeneged me to think about Mezzacello as just a farm - the way that most people who don't know why Mezzacello exists will do.

Mezzacello Age of Steel Part 4
This is part four of a multi-part detailing of Mezzacello Urban Farm's transition from wood to steel in its infratsructure. This is the hornbeam allee.

Mezzacello Menu of Camps and Workshops, Tours, and Mobile Labs
A complete menu of all of the educational learning opportunities on offer from Mezzacello Urban Farm.

It’s Time For a New Map
The addition of several new structures at Mezzacello to proviode shade and cover from rain -- all steel -- and the building of the classroom and side porch means it's time for a new map.

Introducing The Eco Gazebo Prototype
Welcome to the next evolutionary step for Mezzacello Urban Farm. When I run Summer Camps or Workshops and we experience inclement weather, I have to use pup up tents to protect sensitive equipment and nervous kids in rain. Introducing The Eco Gazebo Prototype to turn this bug into a feature.
The HVAC Struggle at Mezzacello
After 10 long years of living at Mezzacello, in 2024 we finally got working furnaces (we were heating the house with gas fireplaces all these years) and two brand new AC Units - that didn’t work.

When Kids Get To Make The Rules
Mezzacello is purpose built to allow kids, families, and communities better understand sustainability, ecology, STEM content and food. One of our favorite components of this learning journey is being there for when kids get to make the rules.

Portable Energy Generation systems (PEGs)
An emerging aspect of our mission to Grow, Maintain, Sustain, and Explain is improved portable units to teach our Applied STEM systems in more locations. PEGs is the latest offering. Portable Energy Generation systems.

Our Mission, Home, Purpose, and Business
It's all hiding right there in the logo! Red Brick green tree urban farming non-profit! It's way more than the sum of its parts. It's a new way of thinking about sustainability.

Building a New Vision of the Urban Farm
This is a quick update on our journey of building a new vision of the urban farm. The house has been in need of serious attention for some time. We took out a loan and have started making Phase III of Mezzacello Urban Farm a reality.

Entering a New Phase of My Mission
This week I finally launched the PALs outreach initiative. PALs stands for Portable Ag Lab station. It will be joined shortly by the PETs (Portable Environmental Testing station) and PODs (Portable Observational Data station).

The Periodic Table as Nature Sees It
What if Mother Nature were to szhow you what the periodic table looked like? What do you think she would show you? I suggest that mother nature is not an accountant with tables and columns, but a spider, weaving life and atoms together one proton and electron at a time.

Boursin Chicken Roulette With Cabbage
This was a real surprise from Manon’s Little Kitchen! Boursin cheese, butter, salt and pepper on white cabbage. Delightful and wicked easy to make — and best of all — even better the next day! Rick included the entire dinner from Manon’s book.

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Update
I am getting ready to expand and modify the VAWT systems at Mezzacello. I will move the two towers from the north side of sheds 1 and 2 to the south side. Read why in this blog. Learn more in a workshop at Mezzacello!