Winter Programming: Physical Electricity
Today in late November it was 0C here at Mezzacello Urban Farm. The construction of the kitchen and classroom has slowed, so since we won’t have a classroom ready this year, we built wind turbine wires in the kitchen!

Another Generation of Generators
My 2024/2025 CAHS intern working on a design challenge to help students better understand physical electricity. Here they are ready to install wind power, solar power and an electrical load.

Workforce Development at Mezzacello
Students with Columbus’ All That After School STEAM program have been visiting Mezzacello Urban Farm on Thursdays to learn about STEM programming and ag experiences. This program is on physical electricity and solar and wind power.

Mezzacello Age of Steel Part 4
This is part four of a multi-part detailing of Mezzacello Urban Farm's transition from wood to steel in its infratsructure. This is the hornbeam allee.

The Mobile Classroom Upgrade
This is The Mobile Classroom Upgrade. It is a steel shelving system j-Welded together, with four steel shelves, an independent front suspension with all-terrain tires. It comes standard with a 55” Monitor, onboard AC Inv erter and Backup batteries. A power strip for plugging into, a solar panel and rain cover that makes it all-season and it’s own PA system and 5G hotspot.

Portable Power and a Mobile Coop
This portable coop comes equipped with automatic feeder, a waterer, manure detection feature, wheels, a suspension and onboard power for everything powered by the sun, a solar panel and batteries.

Mezzacello After Dark
A brief tour of Mezzacello after dark after a visit from the Girl Scouts to explore STEM Careers on an urban farm.
Sustainability and Renewables on an Urban Technology Farm
I presented to the Global Innovation Field Trip this Saturday, 7/22/2023. I created a new equation.
VAWT4All Initial Data Collection
A pop up blogpost created by one of my High School interns at Mezzacello. Data collection and models. Learn more here.

Wind, Data, Interns, and Power In the City
My collaboration with my 17 year old intern studying the data & impact of bus traffic on wind turbines in the city.
My Podcast with The Innovation World Young Collaborators
My first podcast with the Innovation World Young Innovators Collaboration about #projectMartian

BioDome 2 Power Systems Integration
A quick update on the Biodome 2.0 at Mezzacello. We are getting ready to integrate power and water reclamation.

BioRenewables Lesson Plans
BioEngineering Camp 2023 five day lesson plans with lesson, activity, challenge and presentation data. For teacher use at Mezzacello

Mezzacello in Winter - Animals, Power, and Water
A quick update on power and livestock systems to keep liquid water on hand in winter. I will update this.

Installing a New Solar Array in Photos
A photo essay on installing a complete solar array atop a roof. Tomorrow I will finish wiring it all up and batteries.

Recycling Boxed Wine Bags
Preparing fertilizer with recycled boxed wine bags! Luckily my neighbors can provide plenty of wine bags and serve as testers as well

From Waste to Water
Using off the shelf buckets, washed sand, gravel, charcoal and was large river stone we can purify even the dirtiest water.

Lessons in Food, Water, and Waste
The Luke Skywalker Effect. We had rice that was contaminated with weevils. So we cooked the rice with star wars still water.

Lesson: As Above So Below
Life is a dance of balance with soil or water below, the ground barrier between and the atmosphere above. Pattern, Process, structure.

The War of the Winds
I have been pushing renewable energy sources hard for the past year. Today's blog is an observation on the best windmill for the city.