Lesson: Immunity and Popsicles
Students will explore the relationship between natural immune system boosters and biochemical reactions while creating popsicles.

Power Heat and Water Even in the Winter
Even in the dead of winter at -20C the systems at Mezzacello work great! I am pretty pleased with this update.

Bakki Shower and Biofilter Combo
A slideshow of the pond systems in the fall of 2022. The Bakki Shower and the Biofilter systems. It's where nature meets tech!

Seeds at the Farmers Market
Fresh vegetables bought at the farmers markets can also mean fresh seeds! Also a word on JuliaLynne Walkers Agricademy.

Water Conservation Systems
Water is a valuable and limited resource. Yes it can be reused, recycled, and is abundant - but only to a limit. Preserve water!

Get The Lead Out
Chicken farming group posted a story about high lead contamination in backyard flocks in Australia, my neighbors and I had our soil tested.

When Water Goes Missing
Two years ago this was a great mystery. We thought we had a leak in the pond. What I found shocked me. The atmosphere and plants!

Martian Zero-Dirt Soil Update 2022
It’s been a few years since I initiated the bioreactor and compost engine at Mezzacello. Time for a year two update.

Carbon Footprint in a Yard
QuickVue at all the ways you can reduce your carbon footprint in your own backyard with a little effort time and Applied STEM

Water From Waste Part Two
After testing the design for a simple plastic solar still, we will build a better more efficient model with wood, metal and glass.

How the Bioreactor Works
A simple schematic of the bioreactor as it was originally designed. How the sun, wind, air, water, chemicals and compost all interact.

From Waste to Water
Using off the shelf buckets, washed sand, gravel, charcoal and was large river stone we can purify even the dirtiest water.

The Gift of the Magi
Two people share a combined passion but come at it from completely different angles, it can be interesting. So we laugh and compromise.

Avian Flu and Sanitation
Avian Flu is deadly for chickens and ducks. When kids visit Mezzacello, I insist they sterilize the shoes in bleach. All feet covered!

Lesson: Data 101
This lesson is in regards to the basics of clear data collection, attention to detail and rigor in data collection - an essential STTEM Skill

Lesson: The Circle Of Life
A core lesson on the way nature uses simple ideas, deep math, and repeating patterns to create life. We explore these patterns.

Reset The Bio Dome
The Bio dome project has failed. Too many variables to control and not enough hands on the job. Will reset and try again. Heat, Water, life.

Bioreactor Compost Engine Update for 2022
A Spring 2022 update on the bioreactor/compost engine at Mezzacello. I am currently on my 2nd 1000L batch, this year.

Lesson: As Above So Below
Life is a dance of balance with soil or water below, the ground barrier between and the atmosphere above. Pattern, Process, structure.

Pond Update for 2022 Part 1
Lots of new, fun stuff coming online for the aquatic ecosystem at Mezzacello. New pumps, filters, harvesting, and wetlands!