Sustainability and Renewables on an Urban Technology Farm
I presented to the Global Innovation Field Trip this Saturday, 7/22/2023. I created a new equation.
Summer Camp Launch 2023
It's time to launch the summer camps at Mezzacello! 11 camps total and hundreds of kids who will benefit! I love it!
Spring is Sprung: It's a Trap!
A quick fun May The Fourth Blogpost about Ohio's quirky weather patterns so far this month.
Our Goal At Mezzacello Urban Farm
This is the mission and vision of Mezzacello: Grow, maintain, sustain, and entertain. Come visit us or tour to learn more.

Public Speaking About Sustainability
A reflection on why I love public speaking about my mission here at Mezzacello and how I want to try to change the world.
Deciding To Live With Purpose
A prelude to the announcement on Monday, April 16, 2023. Mezzacello Urban Farm is important and special to me.

Quality Education and Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs around how Mezzacello uses UN Sustainability Goals at Mezzacello. This one is quality education.

Health and Wellness Through Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs on the 17 UN Sustainability goals in play at Mezzacello. This one is health and wellness.

Welcome Neighbors to 501C3 Day
May 14, 2022 the launch party for Mezzacello Columbus, LLC. 100+ friends, neighbors, patrons and donors for a spring event!

Summer Camps 2022
Summer Camps are coming back in 2022! More information and details coming soon! Sign up for the waiting list! Visit events to learn more.

Chicken TV, Coop Tech, and Safety
Poultry monitoring using remote cameras and advanced tracking software and sensors. You know a futuristic chicken coop

The War of the Winds
I have been pushing renewable energy sources hard for the past year. Today's blog is an observation on the best windmill for the city.

Ohio Farm Bureau 2021 Annual Report
Mezzacello was mentioned in the Ohio Farm Bureau 2021 Annual Report. I am pretty proud of that and the work we did together last year.

I Sense a Theme Here
Mezzacello is a machine for life. All of it. This blog post covers the engineering and systems that bring this machine to life.

UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In July
The Two-week full day UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In July supported by Ohio Farm Bureau and The PAST Foundation.

Sustainable Food Security at Mezzacello Across Ohio
Mezzacello interacts in Ohio with tours, visits, online and onsite programming. A surprising spread!

The Ghost Foundations of Mezzacello
Since 1868 when the house was built, there have been three houses built and destroyed here to the south of us. The foundations remain.