The Power of Permaculture
This is the story of systems design and permaculture in the service of sustainability on an urban farm. This collage of images showcases 7 years of successful permaculture that transformed 30 cut stems of hydrangea, and 36 cut branches into the hornbeam allee that exists at Mezzacello Urban Farm today. This is the power of permaculture.

Activity: Plants to Paper
This is an easy workshop activity that is also a great deal of fun to make. In this activity we will make everything to make paper!

2024 Earth Day School Visits
Introducing Mezzacello Mobile Labs for energy, bioengineering, and biotechnology! Just in time for Earth Day 2024! Learn More.

Workshop: Quantum Effects in Nature
In this workshop we will explore the macro and quantum effects of electrons and conductive and insulative materials and work.

Revisiting the Chicken/Duck Run in 2024
Updating my original Paris sewer model for a cleaner French Drain Model. Kid designed! Stay Tuned.

Mezzacello Urban Farm and the Story of Two Maps
This is a blogpost of Mezzacello's evolution from a side yard farm to a 21st Century applied STEM Learning Lab.

Mezzacello Urban Farm As A Formal Garden
This is a blogpost of Mezzacello's Formal Garden plan (the gardens that front 20th Street to the east of the farm.

Workshop: Physical Electricity
In this workshop we will explore the macro and quantum effects of electrons and conductive and insulative materials and work.
Workshop: Partners not Pets
This workshop looks at the way humans, animals, and ecosytems interact with Applied STEM and engineering.
Mezzacello Zoo Brew Adventures 2023
A while back I was offered 25 cubic yards of ZooBrew Manure from our local zoo. I opted for 10 cubic yards. I'm glad I did!

Glyphosate and The Hormone Regulation Mystery
The role Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Resistant Genetically-Engineered grains has on egg production and health.

The Foodist: Scotched Quail Eggs
Quail are the newest fowl species at Mezzacello. Here is a recipe for delightful scotched quail eggs that Rick makes!

BioDome Curriculum Design
After building and testing the BioDome at Mezzacello Urban Farm I needed to know how difficult it was to build a real model!

BioDome Automated Systems 2023
This is the blogpost that touches on the ecology and technology in the biodome for 2023.

Time To Upgrade The BioDome Again
It's year three for the biodome and I am innovating the design by integrating an outdoor classroom and the dome structure.

The Moon and Other Garden Jewels
After a review of the grounds at Mezzacello, the moon showed me some issues I was unaware of as being real pressing issues.

Why I Hate To Eat In Public
This is the jumping off post for the reason Mezzacello is so committed to food and ending food deserts! It's all here. #MakeMoreFood

The Revised Brand at Mezzacello Urban Farm
Most of the world could not read our cursive logo. Those who could not read it called it red house/green leaf farm.
Fall Potager Garden Update 2023
Yhis is a quick update on improvements and modifications, I have made to the potager garden fencing and soil.

The Age of Steel - Part 1
For the past six years I have relied on cedar pickets to keep animals and livestock out of the gardens. All that is changing with the switch to steel fencing.