Language and the Power of Reframing

Language and the Power of Reframing

This lesson started out as a lesson in learning how to look at data and systems from new perspectives and turned into a mad lib of data synthesis. This was actually a great deal of fun and it is a new tool I will be using with students. The game is called “Coin Purse” for maximum absurdity and permission to be creative with language and the power of reframing.

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Sustainability In Nature
blog, sustainability Jim Bruner blog, sustainability Jim Bruner

Sustainability In Nature

In this class we gave each DNA strand (table) a beneficial mutation that would benefit the entire species (class). But one table’s mutation was bad for the other. The challenge was to optimize and use reason and democracy to decide what represented optimal sustainability in nature.

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Engineered Feed and Sustainability

Engineered Feed and Sustainability

This is a blog about molecular nutrition and biological markers for different species of animals. Students were tasked to research what the nutritional footprint of each species required and then pull different grasses, grains, fruits, and liquids. Then they built a matrix that could be dehydrated and stored for use later. This is engineered feed and sustainability.

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My Friend, Gregor Mendel

My Friend, Gregor Mendel

I brought in three rabbits to Metro School today. The plan is to discuss genetics and epigenetics with students in the Sustainability in Nature program. We discussed how we imagined Greg Mendel discovered how the pea flowers could pass on color instructions via some mysterious mechanism.

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Don’t Be Afraid, It’s a Chicken!

Don’t Be Afraid, It’s a Chicken!

I brought in a chicken to discuss how animals and ecologies interact at Mezzacello Urban Farm. I brought in chicken #23 so they could get used to holding an animal and gaining confidence and competence in holding animals. Don’t be afraid, It’s a chicken!

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Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Training
Blog, Research, Workshop Jim Bruner Blog, Research, Workshop Jim Bruner

Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Training

HS students visiting Mezzacello to test the environmental health of it using a variety of sensors for the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and pedasphere. They took those sensors back to Pickerington High School where they will use them to teach others (as well as their YouTube videos) and they will take an environmental assessment of their school grounds and their homes and upload that data.

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