Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a woefully underrated skill in 21st Century America. We are consumed by the desire for efficiency and disdain inconvenience as if it were a mortal sin. We are allergic to nuisance. none of this is a sin, all are part of nature's contract. that complicated relationships between life and death; Nature's bookends. The fastest way to understand the power of gratitude is to reframe your situation. Today it snowed on February7, 2020. Yes it’s snowed. Yes it’s cold. But when you pull back and look at the big picture you see gratitude. I am a farmer and an urban farmer in downtown Columbus, Ohio at that.Rather than look at this snow and ice as an inconvenience I think about how it helps the rest of the world; Not the bad, sad, and inconvenience - but the positives.

  • The ecosystems
  • The water table
  • The animals
  • The insects (helpful, harmful, and inconvenient)

Is it inconvenient in the short term? Yes. Is it useful? Without doubt. Is it necessary? At this latitude - absolutely.Think of others; do for others and gratitude will follow. I am grateful, gracious, and ready to both live my best life, and be of use to others. I encourage all of you to do the same. That is the sustainable way to live in a chaotic world that is at Nature's mercy. Show gratitude and find the art of being a good, kind, and effective human.Put simply:Be there for others and there will be others there for you.Cheers!


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