The Power of Permaculture
This is the story of systems design and permaculture in the service of sustainability on an urban farm. This collage of images showcases 7 years of successful permaculture that transformed 30 cut stems of hydrangea, and 36 cut branches into the hornbeam allee that exists at Mezzacello Urban Farm today. This is the power of permaculture.
Mezzacello Zoo Brew Adventures 2023
A while back I was offered 25 cubic yards of ZooBrew Manure from our local zoo. I opted for 10 cubic yards. I'm glad I did!

Mezzacello and the Impact on Health Careers
Mezzacello has a mission to sustain our communities! One of the way we do this is through outreach to the future.

Goofy Smiles and Grandkids
Visiting with my grandkids is a highlight of my year. The goofy smiles though! They definitely make us laugh!

The Revised Brand at Mezzacello Urban Farm
Most of the world could not read our cursive logo. Those who could not read it called it red house/green leaf farm.
Enclosed, Interdependent Ecosystems
This is a fun way to help people see how the planned ecologies at Mezzacello Urban Farm all work together to support life.

The Foodist: Cauliflower and Roquefort Soup
This is a modification of another The Foodist recipe. The cauliflower, roquefort and walnuts pair nicely. If you are not allergic to nuts, TRY THIS!
The Garden of Grace and Charity
We found this sculpture in Virginia. We have been looking for something this charming for years. Now we have her in the garden.

Earth and Her Water
A visualization of the extreme shallowness of Earth's oceans and icecaps and how rare fresh water really is. This is why water is precious.
Our Goal At Mezzacello Urban Farm
This is the mission and vision of Mezzacello: Grow, maintain, sustain, and entertain. Come visit us or tour to learn more.
The Foodist: Chestnut and Pumpkin Soup
Another delightful soup from The Soups of France. This soup is good hot, warm or cold! Perfect soup to impress!
Care and Maintenance of Birds and Rabbits
A quick training on how to take care of the birds and rabbits at Mezzacello. Not hard, just maintenance really.
Life Finds a Way
Ducks are a mystery. Roo-Paul-Ster keeps eating duck eggs, so this hen found a run around, laying in the chick brooder. They need a nest box.

Mezzacello and the UN 17 SDGs
This is my UN 17 SDG Sustainability Portal. All 17 of the blog posts I wrote documenting my path here at Mezzacello. Cheers!
Spring 2023 Is In Bloom
On Easter weekend, we managed to put together a few lovely bouquets of flowers from the emerging gardens at Mezzacello. Enjoy!

The Foodist: Cabbage and Roguefort Soup
Another exquisite soup from the book The Soups of France. This one has fresh veggies from the garden and that cheese!
Compost Update 2023 - Restocking the Bioreactor
Time to use the leaves I saved in 2022 to shred them and hold them in reserve through the spring and summer!
The Foodist: Tiny Potato Crouton Crecy
These remarkable little potato croutons Crecy are the most amazing addition to a soup one can imagine! Fast and tasty.
The Foodist: Cream of Carrot (Potage Crécy)
This delicious potage Crecy is a cream of carrot soup that is delicious warm or cold. Served with potato croutons.

Lesson: Vital Signs and Ecologies
This lesson is an exploration of the way that ecosystems all work together and find life. Here we take their vital signs.