The Power of Permaculture
This is the story of systems design and permaculture in the service of sustainability on an urban farm. This collage of images showcases 7 years of successful permaculture that transformed 30 cut stems of hydrangea, and 36 cut branches into the hornbeam allee that exists at Mezzacello Urban Farm today. This is the power of permaculture.

The Periodic Table as Nature Sees It
What if Mother Nature were to szhow you what the periodic table looked like? What do you think she would show you? I suggest that mother nature is not an accountant with tables and columns, but a spider, weaving life and atoms together one proton and electron at a time.

Lesson: Immunity and Popsicles
Students will explore the relationship between natural immune system boosters and biochemical reactions while creating popsicles.
Design Challenge: Mastering Fear
In this design challenge we explore the intersections of time, biology, emotion, and courage by creating an emotion hourglass.
Design Challenge: Lewis Structure Spelling Bee
In this design challenge, we introduce atomic symbols, quantities, and bonds in physics, chemistry, and biology.

The Long Tail of Life
When a bowl of eggs are more than a bowl of eggs! Automated robotic coops and the long tail of life. The future of food.

The Rule of Sustainability - 3 and 5 Strategy
Sustainability is an important topic right now. We need more of it, and better metrics to define what "it" is.

Lesson: Creating Perfect Fertlizer
Students will explore the molecular nature of fertilizer and its relationship to NHCOPS, the water cycle and the sun.

Lesson: Food From Waste and Ash
Students will learn to make soap from waste products and ash as well as fire starter kits from lint, wax and soap.

Lesson: Animal Babies and Health
Students will learn the basics of vet tech, like treating wounds, medicated feed, and identifying illness in small animals.

Lesson: NHCOPS and the Ladder of Life
Students will become familiar with both the periodic table of the elements, periodicity, and the DNA composition of life.

Lesson: Nested Levels of Reality
Reality is a web of details, structures, and dependent systems. organism to the quantum realm, this lesson explores it all.

Lesson: Magnetism 101
Students will learn the mystery of magnetism. From the quantum to the electro-mechanical students will explore all types of magnets.