Deciding To Live With Purpose
A prelude to the announcement on Monday, April 16, 2023. Mezzacello Urban Farm is important and special to me.
Spring 2023 Is In Bloom
On Easter weekend, we managed to put together a few lovely bouquets of flowers from the emerging gardens at Mezzacello. Enjoy!

The Foodist: Cabbage and Roguefort Soup
Another exquisite soup from the book The Soups of France. This one has fresh veggies from the garden and that cheese!
Compost Update 2023 - Restocking the Bioreactor
Time to use the leaves I saved in 2022 to shred them and hold them in reserve through the spring and summer!

The Foodist: Wilted Dead Nettle Balsamic
This was a delight! Purple Dead Nettle wilted with spinach and topped with balsamic vinegar and a poached duck egg!

Let's Start a Farm On Mars
In this blogpost I explore all the pieces that I have developed to pursue my dream farm on Mars. power, water, nutrients, and food.
My Podcast with The Innovation World Young Collaborators
My first podcast with the Innovation World Young Innovators Collaboration about #projectMartian

The Foodist: Catalan Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Soup
This classic french soup is influenced by spicy Catalan and arabic flavors. A very rich and tangy soup!

BioDome 2 Power Systems Integration
A quick update on the Biodome 2.0 at Mezzacello. We are getting ready to integrate power and water reclamation.
Recycle The Greens While You Can
One of the most difficult parts of being an urban farmer is finding consistent sources of greens and browns through the year.

The Foodist: Frog Legs in Watercress Cream
This is a deceptively simple and delicious cream soup. Everyone is put off by the frogs legs, but do try it!

The Foodist: Classic Roasted Chicken
This simple and delightfulrecipe is super simple and made with fresh winter root vegetables and juicy chicken.
Design Challenge: Interview for Your Future Job
In this design challenge we will play a word association game to create a road map for a future career.

Design Challenge: Build a Gate
in this design challenge: build a gate we discovery all the design constraints for proper fences and gates to keep animals safe.

BioRenewables Lesson Plans
BioEngineering Camp 2023 five day lesson plans with lesson, activity, challenge and presentation data. For teacher use at Mezzacello
Activity: Understanding Emotions, Fear and Confidence
In this activity we will discuss fear, failure, and confidence and create a fable.
Design Challenge: Reframe a Problem
In this design challenge we pretend to be encountering an elephant blind. How does the way we look at a problem change us?
Design Challenge: Mastering Fear
In this design challenge we explore the intersections of time, biology, emotion, and courage by creating an emotion hourglass.
Design Challenge: Duct Tape Trivia
In this duct tape design challenge, students must resaerch and create a solution using duct tape and data. No ducks harmed!
Design Challenge: DIY Chicken Feeder & Waterer
Students must find a way to combine three simple items to create an efficient way to feed and water animals.