Recycle The Greens While You Can
Recycle The Greens While You Can

At Mezzacello Urban Farm we recycle greens while you can. It's important to make sure you use what you have when you use it. The greens are plentiful when browns are not, and vice versa.
I am experimenting with a new process of locking the nitrogen content in greens and grass clippings without significantly increasing the CO2 or ammonia. What I really need is a freeze dryer to flash freeze the greens. But I do not have one of those!
So for now, I package brown leaves and green grass into reusable plastic drums. The greens I am sprinkling with hydrated lime in 10cm intervals to try to desiccate them without losing all that nitrogen. I'll let you know how it goes!
Stay tuned and be sure to follow me on Social Media @Mezzacello.