Baby Garden Assassins
Baby ducks and their mother are truly garden assassins! Ther will not be a tick, a mosquito, or a cicada that will survive I should think!

Revisiting the Chicken/Duck Run in 2024
Updating my original Paris sewer model for a cleaner French Drain Model. Kid designed! Stay Tuned.

Tour of The Livestock Sheds
Welcome to the tour of the livestock shed at Mezzacello. We raise a variety of livestock and insects that are integral to the health of Mezzacello.
Life Finds a Way
Ducks are a mystery. Roo-Paul-Ster keeps eating duck eggs, so this hen found a run around, laying in the chick brooder. They need a nest box.

Robots, Chickens, and Ducks
A photo is from 2019, before I redesigned my coop system to sanitary specs. I should be in boots, The robots have always been here.

Chicken TV, Coop Tech, and Safety
Poultry monitoring using remote cameras and advanced tracking software and sensors. You know a futuristic chicken coop

Shenaniducks! Those Ducks Are At It Again!
It takes one duck to override a safety mechanism on a robotic coop door. Never underestimate a duck an it’s love of chaos.

The Boy Scouts Were Right; Always Be Prepared
I found a duck on a clutch of eggs and rather than act right then to help, I did the wrong thing. Be a boy scout.

Springtime, Chicks and the Truth About Ducks
Choose wisely when you are adding animals. to an urban farm. You need to know the pros and cons up front!