The Pond at Mezzacello
This is a quick video that one of my summer camp “menterns” took with the biotechnology team last summer. It’s really solid work and they write up on the aquatic ecology that the kids did was pretty solid too.

Bio Technology at Mezzacello
This is a quick gallery of all the bio automation and programming at Mezzacello Urban Farm. If it has "Bio" in the name, you'll find it here!

Workshop: Quantum Effects In Nature
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to understand how we use quantum effects on a farm.

Workshop: Physical Electricity
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to better understand how we use renewables on a farm.

Lesson: Types of Baths on a Farm
In this lesson we discuss the alternatives to water to bath and care for animals and insects on a farm. You will be surprised.

BioTech Lesson Plans
BioTech Camp 2023 five day lesson plans with lesson, activity, design challenge and presentation data. Teacher resource for use at Mezzacello.

Lesson: The Circle Of Life
A core lesson on the way nature uses simple ideas, deep math, and repeating patterns to create life. We explore these patterns.

Lesson: As Above So Below
Life is a dance of balance with soil or water below, the ground barrier between and the atmosphere above. Pattern, Process, structure.

Chicken TV, Coop Tech, and Safety
Poultry monitoring using remote cameras and advanced tracking software and sensors. You know a futuristic chicken coop

Lesson: Animal Evolution Body Puzzle
Lesson identifying different parts of three distinct species of animal and finding commonalities and needs among them.