The Foodist: Cauliflower and Roquefort Soup

The Foodist: Cauliflower and Roquefort Soup

The Foodist: Cauliflower and Roquefort Soup

Welcome to The Foodist: Cauliflower and Roquefort Soup! This soup looks simple (and it is) but it packs a delicious punch. This is a modification of another recipe Rick found the The French Soup Book.

The original recipe calls for a puree. Rick opted to puree half and leave some chunks in there to shake up the flavor and mouthfeel. The roquefort cheese is so rich!

To add a bit of drama, Rick added nasturtiums. The edible flower and the radish tang to the leaves is quite delicious. And it looks festive.


  • 1 onion, chopped

  • 1 cauliflower, chopped

  • 1 potato, chopped

  • 4 Cups broth or water

  • 250gm - 500gm (8-16 ounces) Roquefort, according to how strong a taste you want.

  • 1 cup walnuts, chopped

  • White pepper (the Roquefort is salty, so don’t add any till tasting at the end, if at all.)


  1. Gently sweat the chopped onion.

  2. Add the potato, cauliflower, 1 litre of water (or vegetable stock), salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, then simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes.

  3. Pass through a blender / food mixer. Personally I keep this brief, because I prefer to have some 'lumps' in the soup, but this is not eveyone's preference and it does have the appearance of badly made soup, I suppose.

  4. Reheat, adding a little more water/stock if necessary, but it should remain quite thick.

  5. Chop the Roquefort into small pieces, take the soup off the heat, and stir most of the cheese in as it melts.

  6. Serve into bowls, sprinkle any remaining roquefort on top of the soup, and eat with plenty of fresh bread.


Based on experience with Roquefort on cheeseboards and other soups, I garnished with chopped walnuts with great effect. Nasturtium flower and leaves were also well paired.

I prefer to make this soup two make two batches. One with the potato to purée, and another to leave in as lumps. (My excuse is the body wants something to process, and needs fiber).

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.

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