The Periodic Table as Nature Sees It
What if Mother Nature were to szhow you what the periodic table looked like? What do you think she would show you? I suggest that mother nature is not an accountant with tables and columns, but a spider, weaving life and atoms together one proton and electron at a time.
How Kids Can Monitor and Protect Their Environment
At a Mezzacello Urban Farm Summer Camp for Middle School Students, a team of kids tested, monitored, diagnosed a parasite, and treated a 7000kl pond and the vet approves!

Glyphosate and The Hormone Regulation Mystery
The role Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Resistant Genetically-Engineered grains has on egg production and health.

Reframing of Farming From The Bottom Up
The Inverted Resource Pyramid and the future of food and life in general. We need to start from the bottom up.

The Data Revolution at Mezzacello
Over COVID 2019 2020 2021 and now 2022 I have been building a machine for life and data. The "key" was power!

UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In July
The Two-week full day UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In July supported by Ohio Farm Bureau and The PAST Foundation.

Making Decisions - Good and Bad Choices
Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. As the old saying goes, "Stick to your day job, kid!"

Just The Right Light
A great view from the part of the house at Mezzacello literally begging for a revamp! It’s a makeover montage!

You Never Run Out of Knowledge, Just Luck
A quick exploration of how we need science and knowledge and why we should not count on luck. Science is replicable.

Ghosts, Guesses, and Gravity
How marvelous is this universe? Ratios and relationships, mysterious ghosts that pop up in equations! And gravity!

The Rule of Sustainability - 3 and 5 Strategy
Sustainability is an important topic right now. We need more of it, and better metrics to define what "it" is.

Lesson: Ecosystem Anomalies
This is a fun search and ID lesson where students work in teams with a hula hoop to take surveys on ecosystems to find a mystery.

The Enclosed Sustainable Ecosystems of Mezzacello
What is a truly enclosed, self-sustaining ecosystem? It requires that the energy and materials going in are accounted for and amplified coming out.

The Foodist: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
A basket of Mom’s fried chicken served cold. Still crunchy good at room temperature, or right out of the cooler.

The Humble Chicken Tractor
The ins and outs of how to build, deploy, and care for various poultry in a chicken tractor in the city; or in the country.