Revisiting the Chicken/Duck Run in 2024
Updating my original Paris sewer model for a cleaner French Drain Model. Kid designed! Stay Tuned.

The Waste Water Cycle at Mezzacello
This is a blog post about the water cycle at Mezzacello. The many ways I collect, purify and reuse water on my urban farm.
Recycle The Greens While You Can
One of the most difficult parts of being an urban farmer is finding consistent sources of greens and browns through the year.

Responsible Consumption and Production IS Sustainable
Part of a series of blogs detailing how I use UN 17 SDGs at Mezzacello. This is easy for me, I love reuse.

Creative Recycling and Winter Prep
The perfect opportunity to blend components from the formal and potager gardens and recycle items to insure success!

Water Conservation Systems
Water is a valuable and limited resource. Yes it can be reused, recycled, and is abundant - but only to a limit. Preserve water!

Carbon Footprint in a Yard
QuickVue at all the ways you can reduce your carbon footprint in your own backyard with a little effort time and Applied STEM

Water From Waste Part Two
After testing the design for a simple plastic solar still, we will build a better more efficient model with wood, metal and glass.

Lessons in Food, Water, and Waste
The Luke Skywalker Effect. We had rice that was contaminated with weevils. So we cooked the rice with star wars still water.

Versailles at Mezzacello
A chance find of former Victoria's Secret storage displays at H4H ReSTORE will soon become Vaersaille-style planters at Mezzacello.

Pride Goes Before The Fall
After I destroyed an oven trying to make my own bronze chain I used actual bronze chain to hang a poultry waterer - because chain is chain.

Store Bought Food and Seeds
How do we know that the food we buy is organic? After all it doesn’t stamped and the seeds aren’t going to tell you anything. Data!

Spring 2021 and the Brunerform
An update on the gardens this spring and a candid little confessional and observation on Spring, Beauty, Life, and Fashion.

Winterizing the Pond at Mezzacello
After a really good year with the pond and a bakki shower, putting the pond to bed is a snap! Clear, clean and stable!