An Engineered and Mobile Ecology
Last week the kids in my Biomechanics summer camp created a very innovative mobile, sustainable animal cage from scratch! Learn how they did it here.
How Kids Can Monitor and Protect Their Environment
At a Mezzacello Urban Farm Summer Camp for Middle School Students, a team of kids tested, monitored, diagnosed a parasite, and treated a 7000kl pond and the vet approves!

Lesson: Immunity and Popsicles
Students will explore the relationship between natural immune system boosters and biochemical reactions while creating popsicles.
Workshop: Partners not Pets
This workshop looks at the way humans, animals, and ecosytems interact with Applied STEM and engineering.
Mezzacello Zoo Brew Adventures 2023
A while back I was offered 25 cubic yards of ZooBrew Manure from our local zoo. I opted for 10 cubic yards. I'm glad I did!
Workshop: BioEngineering Basics
This workshop looks at the way simple machines interact with materials in the natural world. Applied STEM and engineering.

Glyphosate and The Hormone Regulation Mystery
The role Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Resistant Genetically-Engineered grains has on egg production and health.

BioDome Automated Systems 2023
This is the blogpost that touches on the ecology and technology in the biodome for 2023.

Time To Upgrade The BioDome Again
It's year three for the biodome and I am innovating the design by integrating an outdoor classroom and the dome structure.

The Moon and Other Garden Jewels
After a review of the grounds at Mezzacello, the moon showed me some issues I was unaware of as being real pressing issues.

The Golden Ticket Presentation
The YouTube video of the talk I gave at the October 2023 Global innovation Field Trip on what i created Mezzacello to be.
Hopes and Dreams
A quick recounting of how post COVID my summer camp kids gve me the confidence to dream big again.
Empowering Learners Through Applied STEM Learning
In this blog we explore the relationship between applied STEM and Tools. Change of pace, change of place.
Multi-Modal Transportation and Energy
I attended a presentation on thje future of mult-modal transportation, I decided to do an audit at Mezzacello as well.
History Repeats and the Line is a Circle
Why does history repeat? And is that a bad thing? An essay in redemption and growing. All lines are circles after all.

Mezzacello Science Life and Art
This is a new functional art installation we have built at Mezzacello to teach solar max and mins, history, and trigonometry.

Mezzacello After Dark
A brief tour of Mezzacello after dark after a visit from the Girl Scouts to explore STEM Careers on an urban farm.

The Waste Water Cycle at Mezzacello
This is a blog post about the water cycle at Mezzacello. The many ways I collect, purify and reuse water on my urban farm.
BioEngineering From The Eyes of a Child
This was a surprise gift fro one of my bioengineering summer camp kids. It made me very proud of my impact this summer.

The Phi Heat Map
In this expanded blog I better outline the principle of a phi heat map and sustainability.