BioEngineering From The Eyes of a Child
BioEngineering From The Eyes of a Child

This summer I was able to run a series of five camps and three workshops all around the fun of applied STEM on an urban farm. Shortly after my first bioengineering camp ended, I received this email with a photo of this letter. It details BioEngineering From The Eyes of a Child.
The Contents of the Letter
I went to a bioenggenering camp. I helped a dieing chickion.
And designed a good sucer place for them to stay. It was so much fun to hold bunise and cwale.
And I made a funeral for the chickions that died R.I.P.
And I learned to make a gocart and it was so much fun at my bioenggering camp.
I will deffinitly go back next year and help my good friend Jim.
For context, during this camp a raccoon attacked and seriously injured a chicken. This student treated the bird in the biolab, but the wounds were too severe. They also treated rabbits and quail.
The go cart is part of the robotics and simple machines section of the camp. The funeral for chicken number 3 was touching. They planned the exact location where the atomic and molecular components of the dead "chickion" would be of maximum benefit to life.
This really touched me. This student is referring to becoming a teaching intern next summer. I will gladly take on such a smart and brave intern. When the opportunity arises.
This is a part of the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation Summer Grant Grant #1521-2023