Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions and Sustainability
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions and Sustainability
Protecting the most vulnerable and powerful alike.
Peace for multiple species.
Seek to bring comfort and peace to all.
Everyone needs to get along.
Vote, it is important and it matters!
Open and equal access to power.
Neighbors who help.
Accepting help from experts.
Caring for others in the community in return.
Providing food and water to all.
Sharing and Recycling Resources Equably.
Mezzacello is obviously not a city, or nation. But it is an enclosed ecosystem that functions in a lot of similar ways to a nation. Now we are talking about UN SDG number 16, peace, justice, and strong institutions and sustainability.
This goal is an amalgam of all of the previous goals and applies them to all life on the farm, in the neighborhood, community, and outward. It is all of our shoulders to do this. When we wait for others to do this for us, we loose the opportunity to create and offer back the peace, justice, and sustainability we seek.
Not A Revolution, But a Revelation
This is far from a call to ignore or diminish the role of government. This is an example of how we can apply this UN Sustainable Development Goal to guide the choices and actions we take to create peace, justice and sustainability on an urban farm. Sustainability is a critical component in ever culture, so all parts of peace and justice are our responsibility as well.
Sustainability requires knowledge, empathy, and thoughtful application of ever6 system towards a common goal. This is an abstraction for what every citizen should want and seek in their nation. It is necessary that other nations care about the common goal of sustainability as well.
It should be readily apparent that our societies are not interested in true sustainability. Sustainability is actually against the status quo. We have more work to change this in our governments and cultures.
Straining The Model
The very best I can do is model the world I want to live in and wish for others as well. I am not forcing my opinions on others; I am hoping for peace, justice and strength for all - not some. "Some" and no "The Many" is inherently unsustainable.
I am pushing this metaphor to its breaking point in this blog, but I made a commitment to model all 17 of these sustainable development goals. I work hard to keep everyone who is part of my ecosystems safe, happy, welcome, legal, and protected. This extends to my neighbors, friends, students, interns, and campers.
Indeed, our mission statement itself is a microcosm of this goal. Grow, Maintain, Sustain, and Explain. We should all know peace and justice, and that will make us all stronger.