Mezzacello 2.0 in Winter
Mezzacello 2.0 in Winter
Today was the first snow of winter. It's been a fairly warm winter season here in Columbus, OH (US) but today was the first time you can see all the updates to Mezzacello 2.0 in winter.
We captured this shot using the DJI Mini and I love the lines of Mezzacello in the frost! The video was shot on January 7, 2022 by my niece, Sarah and she did a great job. And you can see the roof of the house is doing a good job! LOL!
Angles and Angled
One thing I do find amusing is how different Rick and I are in the way we plan. You wouldn't know it unless you knew me, but I plan everything I build in CAD and then deploy. Rick plans his east formal gardens in his head and using simple trigonometry and stakes and strings, he gets nearly perfect geometries.
I on the other hand build out my infrastructure with great intentions, but the angles are always jumbled and the buildings are just slightly askew. I am not as attentive to details as Rick - he even advised me that my angles were askew and I tried to adjust.
You move a 2000Kg building after you have set onto a carefully planned and poured concrete slab, This isn't chess. Jim Bruner
Doing everything myself with the help of my community and friends, this is what I got. You move a 2000kg building after you have set it onto a carefully planned concrete slab. This isn't chess.
The systems for power generation are also very clear in this video. The central bioreactor and its twin wind turbines sits next to the garden beds and across from the greenhouse, and the solar panels are in place on each out building. There is ample power generation being developed, now I am monitoring storage capacity in cold weather in the battery banks and inverters in those sheds.
Power systems for the garage and the house will be implemented in phase IV of the master plan. That is going to take a few extra steps and dollars to make happen. It will come, I just have to be patient.
Next Steps and Adventures
The next steps will be updating the greenhouse with power, water, and heat, and getting the processing systems in the service yard online so I can start working with other community gardens this summer. The mobile processing plans were put on hold because of COVID and some unforeseen insurance snags. But we will adapt.
In the mean time enjoy this video my niece created of Mezzacello 2.0 in winter! Happy New Year!