Egg Cartons With Style
Blog, product, Donate, eggs, Giveaway Jim Bruner Blog, product, Donate, eggs, Giveaway Jim Bruner

Egg Cartons With Style

As you may know, Mezzacello Urban Farm has a surplus of fresh, healthy chicken and quail eggs that we can’t use. As a non-profit we can’t (and don’t want to) sell them. So we had these cartons donated and the stickers as well. Every part of this is free, with the exception of the feed and water for the chickens.

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Workforce Development at Mezzacello

Workforce Development at Mezzacello

Students with Columbus’ All That After School STEAM program have been visiting Mezzacello Urban Farm on Thursdays to learn about STEM programming and ag experiences. This program is on physical electricity and solar and wind power.

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Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Training
Blog, Research, Workshop Jim Bruner Blog, Research, Workshop Jim Bruner

Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Training

HS students visiting Mezzacello to test the environmental health of it using a variety of sensors for the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and pedasphere. They took those sensors back to Pickerington High School where they will use them to teach others (as well as their YouTube videos) and they will take an environmental assessment of their school grounds and their homes and upload that data.

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