The Foodist: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
A basket of Mom’s fried chicken served cold. Still crunchy good at room temperature, or right out of the cooler.

Life in the Aquatic Ecosystem
Many of my posts about the pond or as I like to call it, the aquatic ecosystem, have been complaints about the system in crisis. It is true; this pond was built on an Indian Burial ground and feels cursed.

Pathways to Harvest and Reuse
A post on how food is used, recycled, and repurposed on an urban farm! The birds, rabbits and fish - even compost and worms.

Herbal Parterres
A year two update on the herbal parterres at Mezzacello. The drawbacks and benefits and what I love. The microclimate and structure are key!

The Pollinator Landing Strip
the Pollinator Landing Strip. The space that we maintain to attract and reward our friends, the pollinators of the city.

The Foodist: Blueberry Galette with Rosemary Crust
A delightfully simple savory blueberry and rosemary galette that will impress ANYONE AND sell your house! The rosemary elevates this recipe as it has a strong aroma that carries the lemon and blueberry.

The “Keeping Up With The Jones’” Effect
Our neighbors, Jeff and Scott throw a fabulous party in mid-summer called “The Lantern Party” and it is such a great honor to be part of this tradition.