The Foodist: Potato Galette
This fantastic galette is a favorite and a crowd pleaser! Crispy and creamy and easy to make as well!

The Foodist: Tamagoyaki Breakfast Sandwich
This is an alteration of a traditional Japanese omelette adapted as a breakfast sandwich.

The Foodist: Roasted Zucchini Chips
These crunchy and tasty chips are a delight in winter and summer! Easy to make, and easier to eat! And 100% vegetarian.

The Foodist: Carbonara Fritatta
This is a delightful mashup of carbonara and frittata. We make ours from fresh duck eggs.

The Foodist: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
A basket of Mom’s fried chicken served cold. Still crunchy good at room temperature, or right out of the cooler.

The Foodist: Fried Potatoes with Sage
This is an early recipe here at Mezzacello. Really simple and savory and delicious smelling to boot!

The Foodist: Perfect Pan-Roasted Chicken
This is a crowd pleaser and is a great way to make chicken thighs go a long way with amazing style. Fresh and tasty!

Don't Turn Up Your Nose to Turnips
Another early The Foodist recipe, but this one has multiple ways to prepare turnips! Enjoy!

Everyone Has to Eat Hostas
Most people think of hostas as decorative perennials or as deer food, but hostas are quite tasty when young shoots show up.

The Foodist: Blueberry Galette with Rosemary Crust
A delightfully simple savory blueberry and rosemary galette that will impress ANYONE AND sell your house! The rosemary elevates this recipe as it has a strong aroma that carries the lemon and blueberry.