Practical Carbon Sequestration
Gardening is a great way to set carbon back into the earth. This is especially true if you are committed to compost.

The Foodist: Poached Cod with Fresh Vegetables in Wine
A delightful Italian seafood dish sometimes called Aqua Pazza or "crazy water" as the sauce is divine!

Leek Whitening Strategy
I grow Leeks here regularly. But the whites of the leeks carry the most flavor, so I am speeding up the white growth. Wrap in paper.

Growing To Green Sustainability Award
Recently Mezzacello was awarded the Growing to Green Sustainable Garden of the year award. I am very proud and excited.

Climate Reality and Climate Action
Volunteering with Green Columbus to distribute free trees, offset Climate Reality: Future50 PAST, & Mezzacello's mission.

Seeds at the Farmers Market
Fresh vegetables bought at the farmers markets can also mean fresh seeds! Also a word on JuliaLynne Walkers Agricademy.

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
My neighbors know these animals are much more than citizens of Mezzacello, they are an integrated part of my ecosystem.

The Foodist: Lox and Goat Cheese Omelette
This was a delightful breakfast! It was a re-imagining of the traditional bagel with lox. Eggs and goat cheese fill in.

Water Conservation Systems
Water is a valuable and limited resource. Yes it can be reused, recycled, and is abundant - but only to a limit. Preserve water!

Boot Storage on an Urban Farm
My strategy for keeping boots accessible, safe and dry. Using the picket fence to store boots to keep the rain out.

Recycling Boxed Wine Bags
Preparing fertilizer with recycled boxed wine bags! Luckily my neighbors can provide plenty of wine bags and serve as testers as well

Unlikely Interns on an Urban Farm
We had hosted a guest at Mezzacello who wanted to help around the farm. There was a learning curve. Hilarity ensued.

Get The Lead Out
Chicken farming group posted a story about high lead contamination in backyard flocks in Australia, my neighbors and I had our soil tested.

It’s Getting Hot In Here
As part of my continuing series of blogs about water as a resource, this blog discusses sublimation and vapor.

When Water Goes Missing
Two years ago this was a great mystery. We thought we had a leak in the pond. What I found shocked me. The atmosphere and plants!

Martian Zero-Dirt Soil Update 2022
It’s been a few years since I initiated the bioreactor and compost engine at Mezzacello. Time for a year two update.

10 Facts About Mezzacello (Part 1)
Le sigh... 10 facts is not nearly enough to describe the diversity and magic of Mezzacello effectively. Part 1

Passion Projects and My Mission
This is nothing new, when you want to change the world, and you have more than one opportunity to do it, then balance is key.

Carbon Footprint in a Yard
QuickVue at all the ways you can reduce your carbon footprint in your own backyard with a little effort time and Applied STEM