Water From Waste Part Two
After testing the design for a simple plastic solar still, we will build a better more efficient model with wood, metal and glass.

How the Bioreactor Works
A simple schematic of the bioreactor as it was originally designed. How the sun, wind, air, water, chemicals and compost all interact.

Parterre Herb Garden Update 2022
A quick update on the parterre herbal gardens. A note on how to how to harvest and preserve them. And they smell delightful.

From Waste to Water
Using off the shelf buckets, washed sand, gravel, charcoal and was large river stone we can purify even the dirtiest water.

The Gift of the Magi
Two people share a combined passion but come at it from completely different angles, it can be interesting. So we laugh and compromise.

Next-Level Algae Collection
I have been cleaning biofilter sponges of their dried algae by hand. Today I repurposed my chicken feather plucker for algae.

Lessons in Food, Water, and Waste
The Luke Skywalker Effect. We had rice that was contaminated with weevils. So we cooked the rice with star wars still water.

Fire In The Garden
Using fire in the garden benefits ecosystems. It may be counterintuitive, but fire is more dangerous to everything but the plants and soil!

Interns and Mentorship on an Urban Farm
That moment when you think you have a temporary solution to one thing and you find a new solution to a bigger problem.

Mezzacello: Home Is Where The Lab Is
My home and my non-profit Mezzacello are the same place. This is the future of food security, creating networked gardens.

Do It Now: Repeat
"Survivors” are generally people for whom the idea of quitting or giving up had not ever occurred to them. This is why they survived. Simple.

The State of the Garden in Summer 2022
The gardens in late June 2022. Everything is doing well, with the exception of the biodome.

The Foodist: Gnocchi with Creamed Eggs and Black Truffles
This is a sparkling and beautiful gnocchi, cream and egg dish with truffles and green chives.

Cardboard Journey Into Green
What do you do with all the cardboard one collects? Treat non-waxed boxes with DE, let it sit in the sun and rain and then mow it.

Reset The Bio Dome
The Bio dome project has failed. Too many variables to control and not enough hands on the job. Will reset and try again. Heat, Water, life.

Bioreactor Compost Engine Update for 2022
A Spring 2022 update on the bioreactor/compost engine at Mezzacello. I am currently on my 2nd 1000L batch, this year.

Lesson: As Above So Below
Life is a dance of balance with soil or water below, the ground barrier between and the atmosphere above. Pattern, Process, structure.

The Foodist: Zucchini Boats with Rice
This is a summer staple! I love it when Rick makes this! Savory, nutty, tasty, and completely vegetable based delight!

Mezzacello 2.0 Foundations
When the concrete slabs were finally poured in place and the work of rebuilding Mezzacello from scratch could finally begin.

The First Chick of 2022
Eight random eggs fertilized by a rooster and set into an automated incubator. The trick was a bath matte. I had to keep the eggs warm!