War of The Winds: Evolution
I am on the FOURTH iteration of wind turbines here at Mezzacello Urban Farm. We started with a traditional horizontal axis wind turbines. Then I switched to the vertical axis flower turbines. Now I am exploring vertical blade vertical axis wind turbines in new configurations.

Portable Energy Generation systems (PEGs)
An emerging aspect of our mission to Grow, Maintain, Sustain, and Explain is improved portable units to teach our Applied STEM systems in more locations. PEGs is the latest offering. Portable Energy Generation systems.

Wind, Data, Interns, and Power In the City
My collaboration with my 17 year old intern studying the data & impact of bus traffic on wind turbines in the city.

Let's Start a Farm On Mars
In this blogpost I explore all the pieces that I have developed to pursue my dream farm on Mars. power, water, nutrients, and food.

Wind Turbine Resources at Mezzacello
You have been asking for it. Here are the details of the vertical wind turbines I have installed at Mezzacello Columbus.

The War of the Winds
I have been pushing renewable energy sources hard for the past year. Today's blog is an observation on the best windmill for the city.

Windstorms and Structural Damage
Third time is a charm - not really - on this kit greenhouse. The big bad wolf has blown it apart yet again. Time for a change.