BioEngineering Summer Camp 2023 Guest Blogs
These are two guest blogs written by middle school brothers for my last bioengineering summer camp. Their drawings!
VAWT4All Initial Data Collection
A pop up blogpost created by one of my High School interns at Mezzacello. Data collection and models. Learn more here.

Wind, Data, Interns, and Power In the City
My collaboration with my 17 year old intern studying the data & impact of bus traffic on wind turbines in the city.

Lesson: Data 101
This lesson is in regards to the basics of clear data collection, attention to detail and rigor in data collection - an essential STTEM Skill

The Data Revolution at Mezzacello
Over COVID 2019 2020 2021 and now 2022 I have been building a machine for life and data. The "key" was power!

Store Bought Food and Seeds
How do we know that the food we buy is organic? After all it doesn’t stamped and the seeds aren’t going to tell you anything. Data!