The Pond at Mezzacello
This is a quick video that one of my summer camp “menterns” took with the biotechnology team last summer. It’s really solid work and they write up on the aquatic ecology that the kids did was pretty solid too.

Bio Technology at Mezzacello
This is a quick gallery of all the bio automation and programming at Mezzacello Urban Farm. If it has "Bio" in the name, you'll find it here!

Lesson: Immunity and Popsicles
Students will explore the relationship between natural immune system boosters and biochemical reactions while creating popsicles.
BioChemistry Lesson Plans
Welcome to the BioChemistry Lesson Plans page for Mezzacello Urban Farms Summer Camp.
Design Challenge: Build a Stomach
In this Design Challenge we will explore how living animals digest food and create energy and wastes by creating a stomach.
Lesson: Understanding pH
In this lesson we explore the pH scale to understand the basic chemistry of life in terms of acids and bases. Water is neutral.

Lesson: The Circle Of Life
A core lesson on the way nature uses simple ideas, deep math, and repeating patterns to create life. We explore these patterns.

Lesson: Micro Hydroponics Systems
Students will repurpose takeout container to start growing seedlings in a small hydroponic container with a heat map to promote germination and growth,

Lesson: Creating Perfect Fertlizer
Students will explore the molecular nature of fertilizer and its relationship to NHCOPS, the water cycle and the sun.

Lesson: Food From Waste and Ash
Students will learn to make soap from waste products and ash as well as fire starter kits from lint, wax and soap.

Lesson: NHCOPS and the Ladder of Life
Students will become familiar with both the periodic table of the elements, periodicity, and the DNA composition of life.

Lesson: Solar Water Purifier
This is a fun way to better understand the water cycle AND learn how nature purifies water in the atmosphere. This is energy too.