Science Hides On a Farm
This blog post is dedicated to a board member of Mezzacello Urban Farm who challeneged me to think about Mezzacello as just a farm - the way that most people who don't know why Mezzacello exists will do.

Workshop: Quantum Effects In Nature
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to understand how we use quantum effects on a farm.

Workshop: Physical Electricity
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to better understand how we use renewables on a farm.

Design Challenge: Birds vs Mammals vs Insects vs Bacteria
In this design challenge we will .look at four unique life forms on an urban farm. What do they have in common, how are they different? What do they need?
Care and Maintenance of Birds and Rabbits
A quick training on how to take care of the birds and rabbits at Mezzacello. Not hard, just maintenance really.
Design Challenge: The Large And The Small
This Design Challenge we explore how scale affects the way life, light, and reality interact. We sort the scales here.
Design Challenge: Build an Animal Tractor
In this design challenge we ask students to build a system to keep animals safe and healthy. With many options.

Life on the Land and Systems Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs regarding the UN 17 SDG and my work on the farm. This one is goal 13 life on land.

Life Below Water and Fostering Sustainability
Part of a series of blos detailing my work at Mezzacello to meet UN 17 SDGs. This is life below water and my pond.

Care and Instructions for a Parterre Garden
The parterre garden has a long and storied history. It is a good system for gardening and is quite effective.

Shenaniducks! Those Ducks Are At It Again!
It takes one duck to override a safety mechanism on a robotic coop door. Never underestimate a duck an it’s love of chaos.

Fall Spa Day For The Ducks on the Farm
The ducks enjoying a spa day on the engineered pond that works to keep the ducks healthy and alive.

Lesson: Food From Waste and Ash
Students will learn to make soap from waste products and ash as well as fire starter kits from lint, wax and soap.

Lesson: Animal Babies and Health
Students will learn the basics of vet tech, like treating wounds, medicated feed, and identifying illness in small animals.

Lesson: Animal Evolution Body Puzzle
Lesson identifying different parts of three distinct species of animal and finding commonalities and needs among them.

Animal Harvest Day at Mezzacello
This one is a bit grim, but super important if you want animals in your ecosystem and not just pets. Everything matters.

Why Communication is Key on an Urban Farm
That one time when I took the animals to an evening event, but did not tell Rick. Poor Rick searched all night.