How We Build Ecology, Technology, and Confidence Through Curriculum
At Mezzacello, we don’t recreate the wheel with new curriculum. We use the wheels of existing curriculum and build a new vehicle blending traditional Amish strategies and cutting edge STEM technology. This is how we do it.

Introducing Camp Stories at Mezzacello
The beginning of a series of blog posts about my summer camp experiences here at Mezzacello Urban Farm. These happen all the time, but I rarely share them. I think I should start!
Life Finds a Way
Ducks are a mystery. Roo-Paul-Ster keeps eating duck eggs, so this hen found a run around, laying in the chick brooder. They need a nest box.

Reset The Bio Dome
The Bio dome project has failed. Too many variables to control and not enough hands on the job. Will reset and try again. Heat, Water, life.

Robots, Chickens, and Ducks
A photo is from 2019, before I redesigned my coop system to sanitary specs. I should be in boots, The robots have always been here.

The Summer of the Literary Liquors
During the COVID Spring and Summer of 2020 I experimented with fresh infusions of liquor called the "Literary Liquors".

UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In June
The Two-week full day UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In June supported by Ohio Farm Bureau and The PAST Foundation.

My Mission Is a Better Community
The Mission Is a Better Community and that comes with effort, love, respect and well, a great community.