Mezzacello Zoo Brew Adventures 2023
A while back I was offered 25 cubic yards of ZooBrew Manure from our local zoo. I opted for 10 cubic yards. I'm glad I did!
Compost Update 2023 - Restocking the Bioreactor
Time to use the leaves I saved in 2022 to shred them and hold them in reserve through the spring and summer!

Martian Zero-Dirt Soil Update 2022
It’s been a few years since I initiated the bioreactor and compost engine at Mezzacello. Time for a year two update.

How the Bioreactor Works
A simple schematic of the bioreactor as it was originally designed. How the sun, wind, air, water, chemicals and compost all interact.

Cardboard Journey Into Green
What do you do with all the cardboard one collects? Treat non-waxed boxes with DE, let it sit in the sun and rain and then mow it.

Bioreactor Compost Engine Update for 2022
A Spring 2022 update on the bioreactor/compost engine at Mezzacello. I am currently on my 2nd 1000L batch, this year.

Lesson: Lasagna Garden Basics
Students will explore compost and growing systems from a biological and chemical basis to understand life systems through a model.

Compost, Soil Enrichment, and Garden Infrastructure
In place composting like you see in nature on the forest floor. A lasagna garden. That is this lesson.