Lesson: Immunity and Popsicles
Students will explore the relationship between natural immune system boosters and biochemical reactions while creating popsicles.
Lesson: Molecular Machines in Nature
In this lesson we will be discussing how nature knows how to use the six simple machines to make atoms and molecules work.
Design Challenge: Interview for Your Future Job
In this design challenge we will play a word association game to create a road map for a future career.
Design Challenge: Mastering Fear
In this design challenge we explore the intersections of time, biology, emotion, and courage by creating an emotion hourglass.

Design Challenge: Prepare a Microscope Slide
In this Design Challenge we present students with the opportunity to see material on a slide and how to see it.

Lesson: The Circle Of Life
A core lesson on the way nature uses simple ideas, deep math, and repeating patterns to create life. We explore these patterns.

The First Chick of 2022
Eight random eggs fertilized by a rooster and set into an automated incubator. The trick was a bath matte. I had to keep the eggs warm!

The Long Tail of Life
When a bowl of eggs are more than a bowl of eggs! Automated robotic coops and the long tail of life. The future of food.

Fall Spa Day For The Ducks on the Farm
The ducks enjoying a spa day on the engineered pond that works to keep the ducks healthy and alive.

Lesson: Micro Hydroponics Systems
Students will repurpose takeout container to start growing seedlings in a small hydroponic container with a heat map to promote germination and growth,

Lesson: Creating Perfect Fertlizer
Students will explore the molecular nature of fertilizer and its relationship to NHCOPS, the water cycle and the sun.

Lesson: Animal Babies and Health
Students will learn the basics of vet tech, like treating wounds, medicated feed, and identifying illness in small animals.

Lesson: Lasagna Garden Basics
Students will explore compost and growing systems from a biological and chemical basis to understand life systems through a model.

Lesson: Animal Evolution Body Puzzle
Lesson identifying different parts of three distinct species of animal and finding commonalities and needs among them.

Lesson: Nested Levels of Reality
Reality is a web of details, structures, and dependent systems. organism to the quantum realm, this lesson explores it all.

Lesson: Magnetism 101
Students will learn the mystery of magnetism. From the quantum to the electro-mechanical students will explore all types of magnets.

Pretty versus Plentiful with Ducks and Chickens
The poultry need to be isolated with new plant growth. It's time to sequester the chickens and ducks.