Build Biomass To Make the Soil Black

Build Biomass To Make the Soil Black

Cutting back the woody stems of hydrangea and Anenome for chipping into biomass.

It's November and that means the bioreactor will be changed out from its summer configuration to the winter phase. We build biomass to make the soil black. The proportions of browns and greens will shift more towards the browns now, so I need to start harvesting grass and fresh leaves as they are going to be scarce!

These woody bushes are a nice compromise as they contain the greens and the browns collectively. They respond very well in the bioreactor. In addition, there will be a bounty of ferns, and banana palm leaves to provide more of the greens. As well as the last of the cut grass. But beggars can't be choosers.

Reframe "Community Garden"

This is where my community here in Columbus, OH (US) really shines. I have so many neighbors who are hobby gardeners. They don't necessarily build ecosystems like mine. They grow specimen plants that are healthy and free of disease though. It helps that they are generally part of the SAME ecosystems as mine (relatively speaking) and so I know when there is a blight.

The hardest part of this is getting around to collecting all the plant material. Recently my truck was in a hit and run accident. City living in a transitional area has hidden costs. Luckily, I am always able to borrow my dear neighbor Randy's truck. I'm lucky like that. The truck is functional again and today is the day I start collecting green biomass from my neighbors.

Ag-Focused Sanford and Son

If you need me I'll be driving around Olde Towne East like a roboticist, Ag-Focused Fred Sanford from Sanford and Son, grabbing biomass where I can. If you don't know that reference, don't look it up. The music will get STUCK in your head! Cheers!


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