The Foodist: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
A basket of Mom’s fried chicken served cold. Still crunchy good at room temperature, or right out of the cooler.

Life in the Aquatic Ecosystem
Many of my posts about the pond or as I like to call it, the aquatic ecosystem, have been complaints about the system in crisis. It is true; this pond was built on an Indian Burial ground and feels cursed.

Introducing Project Martian
How does Mezzacello resemble a Martian Colony? Both will be an artificial self-enclosed, sustainable, multi-stream ecosystem.

Pathways to Harvest and Reuse
A post on how food is used, recycled, and repurposed on an urban farm! The birds, rabbits and fish - even compost and worms.

Preservation, Seed Vegetables, and Recycling
When we grow food at Mezzacello Urban Farm we know we are going to give 10-20% of it back to nature and for the next season. Saving seeds and storing food correctly is a key issue.

Wasps, Mosquitoes, Water and Climate Change
After a mild winter in 2019 and 2020 we have a raft of issues related to pests, climate and fungal spores!

Herbal Parterres
A year two update on the herbal parterres at Mezzacello. The drawbacks and benefits and what I love. The microclimate and structure are key!

Easy Classic French Bean Poles
Inspired by classic beanpoles at French Chateaux, these are a modern update that are easy to build. This includes directions.

New Mezzacello Portrait
This is the New Mezzacello Portrait. It was designed by our neighbor and talented friend, Gabriel Gatton. It may be my favorite thing ever! Read more!

Adapt, Recycle, Reuse: Chicken Diapers
Chicken Diapers: see new uses and explore - and then COVID. When the humble chicken diaper becomes a face mask again.