Welcome to the TerraRover
A 4 minute video of camera telemetry from the AREN TerraBot
Mezzacello bids a welcome to the TerraRover , a remote and autonomous six-wheeled rover package with onboard weather, moisture, soil analysis, and sunlight sensors. The platform is extendable and very easy to run. Later during the spring and summer we will be teaching summer camp kids how to build and refit the sensor package arrays.
More Than Just a Camera and Weather Station
The Aren TerraRover has built-in wifi and GPS sensors for communicating with and gathering telemetry and data of surface and atmospheric details from USGS and NOAA LandSat satellites in orbit around the Earth. In addition, the TerraRover can collect meter-scale resolution sensor data on the ground and bind that data from USGS and NOAA Landsat units. This will allow us to track, trend, and define environmental aspects of any location in the world from the current 10-meter square thresh-hold to 1 meter square.
We can also use this orbital and ground-based data to monitor life, water, light, and soil resources, and then track and plot them using open-source cloud-based software in real-time. This will be a very handy tool to have at Mezzacello Urban Farm as it extends my already present data and sensor network to a mobile platform. Since drones are out of the question, a ground-based system makes more sense.
One-Week day camps for kids ages 9-14+. Each camp is arranged around a theme and feature the cutting edge technology employed at Mezzacello and the traditional farming and livestock care as well.
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A series of fun and engaging one-day workshops that are also arranged around a theme. Workshops ae a fun way to get introduced to the more complex topics at Mezzacello and run generally from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
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One-Day workshops designed for families to compete parents aginst kids and multipe families participating to explore applied STEM and learn and play along the way!
Environmental and Climae Justice Academy Program
When we add Infrared and Ultraviolet sensors, cameras, and lenses to the kit, we will be able to track in Infrared the life in the trees, on the ground and in the water. We will be able to see what insects and some birds see in the ultraviolet spectrum as well. We will able to use that data to work with Project WET, Project Wild, and GLOBE protocols that are world-class training and science curriculum.
High Tech Livestock Herder
In addition, the TerraRover is capable of monitoring and tracking the Chickens, Ducks, Quail, Rabbits, and Fish at Mezzacello. It will serve to put birds away at night, scan for signs of raised temperature, and give me video telemetry remotely. In addition to being a sophisticated extension of NASA/NOAA/USGS satellite operations here on Earth, it will also serve as a robotic livestock herder.
More Data, More Daring!
This will be a big step up in my data science and environmental and climate justice curriculum here at Mezzacello. All nine of my camps and five of my one-day workshops will be able to both use and access the TerraRover system. If you think this is something your kid might like, look at my camps schedule and sign them up!