The Pond at Mezzacello
This is a quick video that one of my summer camp “menterns” took with the biotechnology team last summer. It’s really solid work and they write up on the aquatic ecology that the kids did was pretty solid too.

Workshop: Quantum Effects In Nature
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to understand how we use quantum effects on a farm.

Workshop: Physical Electricity
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to better understand how we use renewables on a farm.

Workshop: BioEngineering Basics
A unique one-day STEM workshop where kids learn and compete or cooperate to better understand how nature engineers systems.

Activity: Plants to Paper
This is an easy workshop activity that is also a great deal of fun to make. In this activity we will make everything to make paper!

Workshop: Quantum Effects in Nature
In this workshop we will explore the macro and quantum effects of electrons and conductive and insulative materials and work.

Workshop: Physical Electricity
In this workshop we will explore the macro and quantum effects of electrons and conductive and insulative materials and work.
Workshop: Partners not Pets
This workshop looks at the way humans, animals, and ecosytems interact with Applied STEM and engineering.
Workshop: BioEngineering Basics
This workshop looks at the way simple machines interact with materials in the natural world. Applied STEM and engineering.