Activity: Understanding Emotions, Fear and Confidence
In this activity we will discuss fear, failure, and confidence and create a fable.
Design Challenge: Reframe a Problem
In this design challenge we pretend to be encountering an elephant blind. How does the way we look at a problem change us?
Design Challenge: Duct Tape Trivia
In this duct tape design challenge, students must resaerch and create a solution using duct tape and data. No ducks harmed!
Design Challenge: DIY Chicken Feeder & Waterer
Students must find a way to combine three simple items to create an efficient way to feed and water animals.

Installing a New Solar Array in Photos
A photo essay on installing a complete solar array atop a roof. Tomorrow I will finish wiring it all up and batteries.

Global Innovation Field Trip and the Bioreactor
A presentation about the design cycle and how I used it to move Mezzacello from simple to complex systems.