Instructions For The Vegepod Unit
The vegepod unit comes apart quite easily, but putting it back together was a bit of a puzzle. Thank goodness for youtube.

CAD Exploration of Bio Dome
Initially inspired as a pop up greenhouse system, My intern is helping me design a system that could ease global hunger.

The Foodist: Sugar-Roasted Peaches
Ripe firm peached fried with bacon and caramelized sugar. Yum! Nothing better than fresh juicy peaches and sweet and savory

The Foodist: Miso-glazed salmon with green tea rice
Elegant, flavorful, delicious and easy to make dish. This dinner is sure to please a sophisticated palette.

The Foodist: Noodle Soup with White Beans and Collards
A delightful soup that is easy to make and is hearty especially on those last cold days of early spring.