2022/2023 Internships

2022/2023 Internships

2022/2023 Internships
Volunteer Olivia helping to rabbit proof the urban garden beds.

Welcome to the 2022/2023 Internships page at Mezzacello. Please review the three internship options available and use the application form to submit a request or ask a question.

Health & Safety

Internship Opportunity: to document and design the existing chicken, duck, rabbit, and crickets coops and warrens, the sanitation, and human/animal interfaces.

Deliverables: CAD and actual coop/warren design and sanitary interfaces, documentation and design specs, a 1000 word white paper, 2 blog posts.

Timeframe: January-May, 2023

Prerequisites: Math and Writing Skills, Ability to work with power tools, availability to work at Mezzacello, transportation.

Apply Here

Renewable Energy

Internship Opportunity: to document and design the implementation of a series of integrated vertical wind turbines along the southern edge of Mezzacello adjacent to the alley to track wind patterns generated by local urban traffic.

Deliverables: CAD and actual installation and wiring of the turbines, documentation, energy tracking software, and design specs, a 1000 word white paper, 2 blog posts.

Timeframe: January-May, 2023

Prerequisites: Math, Engineering, and Writing Skills, Ability to work with power tools, availability to work at Mezzacello, transportation.

Apply Here

3D/CAD & Coding

Internship Opportunity: to design and create a series of integrated sensor arrays to be used around Mezzacello. Each sensor will be integrated into the existing software and be 3D printed on site, flexible, and waterproof use.

Deliverables: CAD and actionable slices as well as python code integrating the sensors into the cloud database, testing strategy, complete data set, 1000 word white paper, 2 blog posts.

Timeframe: November-May, 2023

Prerequisites: Math, Engineering, Python, 3D printing skills, CAD software, and Ability to iterate and test programming and designs, availability to visit Mezzacello and can work remotely.

Apply Here

Mezzacello Urban Farm is opening the livestock management, energy production, and engineering and automation sections to three interns this winter/spring season. Intern applications will remain open through 11/25/2022. Be sure to include a cover letter and what your pathway area of interest is in the application.


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