The Foodist: Exotic Quail Egg Salad
The Foodist: Exotic Quail Egg Salad
The Foodist: Spinach, Artichoke, and Quail Egg Salad
This salad is a surprising and savory delight! The Foodist: Exotic Quail Egg Salad and for a fun surprise add hot bacon or hot bacon dressing. Hearty and very good spring through winter.
Adapted from a recipe by Beth Sexton Stryker published Bon Appétit (May 1992). We made some changes and added the quail eggs. Those quail are laying dozens of eggs a week!
4 cups stemmed fresh spinach (one 10 oz bag)
1 can artichokes
6 slices of bacon
12 quail eggs, boiled
Salt and crack pepper
Salad Dressing
1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup chopped shallot
2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon dry mustard
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Prepare and wash the spinach and drain artichokes. Mix the salad in a stainless salad bowl.
Cook bacon to a crispy texture, drain, pat clear, and crumble. Add bacon to the salad. Preserve the bacon grease.
Combine the dressing ingredients and whisk sharply and reserve to the side in a bowl.
Serve the salad and top with the vinaigrette.
Heat vinaigrette, if desired.
Use the reserved bacon grease to wilt the spinach for a hearty and warm salad for winter. See the poached duck egg and wilted green salad here. The extra dressing can be used with boiled potatoes or steamed green vegetables to make an instant salad later in the week. Of course, this salad is easily converted to a vegetarian option by omitting bacon.
This salad is a crowd pleaser. It can be modified in a variety of different ways. Wilted, served as an appetizer on crackers, or turned into a minestrone, there are options!