Recycle, Reuse, Reduce In Action
We need to raise awareness of hygiene and handwashing, or find ways to reuse gloves
We worked today on a design challenge to encourage kids working with animals to be more aware of the necessity for hand washing, cleaning gloves, and being aware of potential pathogen vectors. Eight teams worked over four periods to design a solution that would help us all be better prepared and protected as we continue to explore sustainability and livestock. See what happened when kids put Recycle, Reuse, Reduce in Action.
Let’s Make Handwashing Fun
These are actual logos designed by students in sixth and seventh grade with three very simple rules:
The logo has to be fun,
It has to have a name that tells you what it does,
It has to have a slogan that also tells you the benefits and features.
For the most part they nailed it. All told there were 8 logo and design submissions, but these were the top four.
More Than Marketing
Each table (two tables in each class) was divided by choice into two teams:
team marketing, and
team engineering.
The engineers were tasked with working on HOW they would build their prototype for testing. They had to provide a detailed drawing of their idea, a clearly written summary on its purpose and functionality, and a complete manifest of parts and supplies that would be needed.
This was required because each team or myself — not sure yet — would be building another team’s prototype. They needed to provide clear instructions and a complete list of things that would need to be brought from Mezzacello Urban Farm to make this great idea a possibility. Charm alone won’t cut it; You also need to fulfill the prommise of the idea and be the change they wanted to see in the world. I know you are dying to see their diagrams!
Engineering Documents
Each of the four chosen designs are here. Each of the designs were drawn on the back of recycled paper. Sometimes you can see it bleeding through. You can see that in addition to a rudimentary drawing of the systems design and manifest, their logo design was there and has been faithfully replicated as well.
I will be referring to their manifest and bringing all the supplies to Metro to replicate and design, build, test and modify these designs on Tuesday. Stay tuned!