Introducing Mentors + Interns (MenTerns) Programming
This year in 2025 we will be evolving our intern project to the next level. 2023 and 2024 interns will be returning to Mezzacello Urban Farm to help teach and manage camps. This year, the seasoned kids will also be serving as mentors to newer interns and to the camp kids. So in honor of this deeper level of engagement, we created the mentor/intern hybrid portmanteau “Menterns”. So this is a blog post Introducing Mentors + Interns = “MenTerns” Programming.
I am tickled by the artwork I got to use in the logo above. I always document the five whiteboards that are arranged around Mezzacello. All the drawings are inspired by or taken directly from the photos. I tried to use “Char for prezident” but it came out as a black blob with eyelashes! LOL! So I used Alice Cooper instead.
What Are MenTerns?
There are a few things about Mezzacello Urban Farm that are truly unique. One of them is the distinctly hands-on learning of applied STEM that takes place at the Urban Farm Campus. The other is that fully 50% of my camps are taught or co-taught by kids. These are the interns. they have proven to be VERY effective teachers and a great deal of fun as well. It has truly been a wonder watching these young people become leaders over the years.
Generations of interns working together planning a camp
This year, I have a cadre of seasoned leaders, teachers, and interns that are itching for a new challenge. This is why I am evolving this program to allow these young leaders the opportunity to lead! They will not only be teaching other students new to the program — and the teachers I hire — but they will be working to cross-train other interns in the program.
This level of relevant engagement is de rigor here at Mezzacello. When the “vet” interns first proposed this idea last summer, I was on board immediately. My ONLY regret is that i was unable to find a grant that would allow me to rigorously study and capture the data that will inevitably emerge from this experience.
How To Help
I won’t let that stop me. I will be moving forward with this vision. I’ll find a way. You can be a help here. Consider a donation to Mezzacello Columbus, LLC. Mezzacello Urban Farm is a non-profit and your donation would go a long way! I’ll keep innovating and sharing how we can change the world together!