Heat, Water, and Built In Systems at Mezzacello
Installingb a hot water heater in the biolab
Using controlled amounts of water in a misting station
Keeping dry in the rain
Using water and resources to create various products
Recycling algae and using water evaporation
Rainwater cleaned, collected and reused
Capturing water, making compost, and generating power
Water is a critical issue everywhere. Here at Mezzacello we make water and the value of water a core principal to all of our after school, virtual, and summer programs. We cannot stress enough the importance of heat, water, and built In systems at Mezzacello.
The gallery above is a small sample of the multiple ways that we incorporate lessons in water recycling and conservation. Thanks to a grant from Battelle, The PAST Foundation, Kroger, and City of Columbus Parks and Recreation we were able to extend and explore this further. I will be creating more content around this topic!
It's Just Water, Right?
If you read my blogs you know I spend a lot of time on SUSTAINABILITY. Search my posts, and you'll find that reference EVERYWHERE. But water holds a special place in my heart, as it is so endlessly recyclable and we take so little time thinking about it.
The water we use is not only just a small fraction of the liquid and frozen water on this planet. It is also the ORIGINAL water from the formation of the Earth, 4.5 Billion Years Ago! That should really make you respect water!
If you value something, show it some respect. Wasting water is reckless and frankly irresponsible. We get so much, and yes, it is absolutely recyclable, it is also hard to get back when it returns to natural systems. It take energy to recycle water, and energy is not free or necessarily easy to produce.
Teaching Kids is Insuring a Safer Future
If you want to insure a better world, start with empowering and teaching kids to look for those changes and opportunities. If they do not understand the ease and simple steps that can be taken to treat water as a precious resource, we are just kicking a can further down the road. They need to feel how precious and important water is.
That gallery above doesn't even touch on the work I do around the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals - THREE of Which deal directly with water conservation. Be sure to also read my post on water reclamation and water evaporation technologies.
This is a part of the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation Summer Grant Grant #1521-2023