Activity: Understanding Emotions, Fear and Confidence
In this activity we will discuss fear, failure, and confidence and create a fable.
Design Challenge: Reframe a Problem
In this design challenge we pretend to be encountering an elephant blind. How does the way we look at a problem change us?
Design Challenge: Mastering Fear
In this design challenge we explore the intersections of time, biology, emotion, and courage by creating an emotion hourglass.
Design Challenge: Duct Tape Trivia
In this duct tape design challenge, students must resaerch and create a solution using duct tape and data. No ducks harmed!
Design Challenge: DIY Chicken Feeder & Waterer
Students must find a way to combine three simple items to create an efficient way to feed and water animals.
Design Challenge: Lewis Structure Spelling Bee
In this design challenge, we introduce atomic symbols, quantities, and bonds in physics, chemistry, and biology.
The Foodist: Butter Is Better Fresh
This is a simple way to make fresh butter from heavy whipping cream or goat or cow milk that has NOT been pasteurized.
The Foodist: Tiny Potato Crouton Crecy
These remarkable little potato croutons Crecy are the most amazing addition to a soup one can imagine! Fast and tasty.
The Foodist: Cream of Carrot (Potage Crécy)
This delicious potage Crecy is a cream of carrot soup that is delicious warm or cold. Served with potato croutons.
Lesson: Using a Rabbit Sling
In this lesson we learn about animal physiology and psychology and how to properly care for a rabbit when trimming its nails.
Lesson: Treat On Site
This lesson covers the ins and outs of caring for animals, plants, gardens, and insects on an urban farm. Vet tech insights and details.
Design Challenge: The Alcohol Family
This design challenge explores the alcohol molecules and the basics of the Lewis Structures. Using magnets and steel rods.
Lesson: Pressure and Water
In this lesson we explore why water is so special in that it is magnetic and when you constrict it gets stronger. This is sanitary.
Design Challenge: Why Do Animals Panic?
In this Design Challenge we learn what motivates common farmyard animals and how we can better treat them.
Design Challenge: The Large And The Small
This Design Challenge we explore how scale affects the way life, light, and reality interact. We sort the scales here.
Design Challenge: Build a Stomach
In this Design Challenge we will explore how living animals digest food and create energy and wastes by creating a stomach.
Lesson: Understanding pH
In this lesson we explore the pH scale to understand the basic chemistry of life in terms of acids and bases. Water is neutral.
Design Challenge: Prepare a Microscope Slide
In this Design Challenge we present students with the opportunity to see material on a slide and how to see it.
Lesson: Vital Signs and Ecologies
This lesson is an exploration of the way that ecosystems all work together and find life. Here we take their vital signs.
Lesson: Ecology In a Box
How do we build soil in an urban environment? We can start with a box! My friend JuliaLynne Walker helped me make this one.