The “Keeping Up With The Jones’” Effect
Our neighbors, Jeff and Scott throw a fabulous party in mid-summer called “The Lantern Party” and it is such a great honor to be part of this tradition.
Peas Porridge Hot, Peas Porridge Bold
Eat like a sailor! A ration of peas and seawater with a dash of butter and flour and some toast and you have a meal!
The Perfect Cover Crop for Unsightly Chain Link Fence
The original fenceline of Mezzacello and how we disguised the chain link fence we had to create.
Parterre Gardens, Guerrilla Gardens
That one time when I came home from a conference to find 64 1-gallon boxwood bushes that had to be planted. farewell DMZ.
Why We Do Everything Ourselves
This is a blogpost that perfectly underscores our mission of Grow, Maintain, Sustain, Explain lives and breathes. Teach by showing.
Watering an Urban Garden Efficiently
Living in the city means living in a heat bubble. Watering efficiently is a challenge. My solution to the problem.